Lighting is essential to any event whether it is social, art or theatrical as well as decorations and performers. As a dynamic tool, it lends emphasis on the highlights of the presentations as well as set the mood for the audience in theatrical shows, and the theme of the occasion in social events. It can, for example, dim or soften the interior lights of the church and brighten up those that illuminate the bride as she walks towards the altar, thereby being the focus of everyone as the most important person of the event at the very romantic moment.

Photographers benefit most from correct lighting design of any presentation. No shadow lighting, for instance, removes the intruding dark spots around the subject, optimally showcasing it as a picture. That is why there is the phrase in the best light, which probably tells it exactly. Even if modern digital cameras do not need film anymore and therefore film speed factor has been eliminated, digital image capturing electronics differ in capabilities, and some cannot correctly capture images in dim light or in rapid motion. Correct lighting will allow different photographers to set their devices to the right settings.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3837802


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